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Interview Skills

One of the most commonly asked questions in a job interview, and the most challenging to answer, is: ‘Describe your weaknesses’ or ‘what are your weaknesses?’ Let’s find out why it is being asked and how best to address...
If you are wondering how to choose a job interview outfit, you are not alone. Almost everyone who is serious about a prospective job interview is concerned about what they are going to wear and how will they be...
It’s not unusual to be asked to give a presentation for an interview and you may also be asked to prepare PowerPoint slides and give a “PowerPoint Presentation” as part of your job interview. Before proceeding, you need to establish...
Work your way through these tips for job interview success to be fully prepared and ready to ace your job interview. You can print this off and use it as a checklist or reminder for what you need to...
An interviewer can learn as much about you by the questions you ask at a job interview than the questions you answer. For that reason, it’s important to have great questions ready for your interview. Preparing questions to ask at...
Circumstances can change. While you were excited about applying for what looked a great new job, you are now in two minds. Problem is you have an invitation to a job interview and you don’t want to go. Now...
If you want to leave a good impression after you have left an interview, sending an email is a good way to achieve that. But, get it wrong and you may well undo all your good work. That’s why...
‘Describe your strengths’ and ‘what are your greatest strengths?’ are two job interview questions that often have interviewees scratching around for an answer. The reason is twofold. Firstly, most of us are brought up to be modest and humble,...
It can be really tricky working out how to respond when an interviewer says, ‘tell me about yourself.’ How much will you say? What will you leave out? How far back should you go. Luckily the answer is straightforward,...
Reason for phone job interviews There are a number of reasons why you might be asked to do a phone job interview. First, a telephone interview allows the prospective employer to quickly speak and eliminate candidates without a huge amount of...


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